Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blood Transfusions Preliminary To Transplants

Blood transfusions preliminary to transplants can cause issues with the transplant due to the antigens fed into the recipient from the donor blood. HLA type matching is not done preliminary to blood transfusions.

When you get a blood transfusion, you only get red blood cells. Whole blood transfusions haven't been done in many, many years. A donated unit of blood is "spun down" and separated into three layers: Bottom is Red Blood Cells, thin layer is WBCs and platelets, and top liquid is plasma. The plasma is frozen, and platelets can be harvested from the thin layer, so nothing goes to waste.

That said, it is possible then when they separate the two, they don't squeeze off all of the WBC layer. You can ask for Leuko-poor packed RBCs. They have a filter that goes between you and the unit, and "strains" out the much bigger white cells.

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