Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Walker Blocks Solidarity Website

Walker is accused of blocking a website that was being used to organize protestors.

Walker says, "I didn't block the website."

Let's keep the facts straight, folks!

Amid reports that the site -- defendwisconsin.org - was inaccessible on Monday and Tuesday morning, Wisconsin Democratic Party press secretary Graeme Zielinski pointed the finger at Walker and other Republicans, accusing them of a "direct assault on the First Amendment." A liberal blogger at the website ThinkProgress accused Walker of "taking a page from former Egyptian Dictator Hosni Mubarak and cutting off internet access to key protest organizers within the state Capitol building."

If a website is new, there is a chance that the Wisconsin administrative office responsible for Internet access may block it. If a site has viruses, or publishes threats, if it uses such a large amount of band width, it may cause its own issues with people accessing it.

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